So every time I have to buy a new box of diapers I am appalled at how much diapers are costing me. So I have now decided to try something new… Cloth diapers. Haha. I never thought I would ever say those words, but here I am thinking it actually might be worth it.

When Eli was born, I remember thinking I would never do cloth diapers because of two reasons. One, I didn’t want to wash all those diapers so frequently. Two, I could never deal with the poopy diapers. Gross. Now, I am fully submerged into motherhood and neither one of those issues bother me. Now the annoying thing is paying for more diapers and throwing so much trash away. (Poor environment).

Luckily, today’s version of a cloth diaper are a lot more plush than the ones my mother grew up with. Now, I can purchase one-size diapers that will fit the newborn AND my two-year old. And to think, I could use these again with the NEXT kid (yes I plan to have more than two kids). After talking with a lady about all the different types of diapers, I opted to try a few. My favorite at the moment are the BumGenius 4.0 One-Size diapers and the Tiny Tush Elite diapers. Josh prefers the snaps because they last longer than the velcro ones. Others like the velcro because they are more adjustable and will ALWAYS fit around the waist, whereas the snaps only have so many options. We have a total of three so we are not using them 24/7 but it is enough to see that it’s something I want to do.

What are the downsides to cloth diapers, you ask? I will say there are a few. First of all, for the little babies they would seem a little bulky. They do have newborn sizes, but I am not sure those are really worth it. Secondly, you have to wash every two days (to have enough and to keep odors from staying). I would have to get into a routine, but I think I can do it as long as we have a washer and dryer. The third and most troubling downside is the amount of money you have to fork out up front. For a typical stash of diapers and all the accessories, you can spend around $400-$500. In the long run, it ends up being less than disposable diapers and you aren’t throwing GOBS of trash into our landfills, but it is still hard to spend that much at the beginning.

With this new discovery, I have updated my “What I Have” and “Wish List” pages to include cloth diaper items. Also, thanks to my brother and their baby girl who is exactly a year older, I have inherited a lot of baby girl items that I have put on the list as well. I have noticed a few people have been looking at those pages lately so I thought I would update it.